
Academic Advising


Students with disabilities are welcome at SJR State and are encouraged to contact the Academic Advising office on their campus.

The Academic Advising office houses the disability coordinators. The disability coordinators ensure access to accommodations for those students determined eligible. Students should report to campus disability coordinators at the beginning of each semester if they wish to receive accommodations. Special assistance is available with academic orientation, registration, academic planning and equipment. In addition, specialized services are available to students whose disability prevents them from participating fully in classroom activities. The College provides services relating to student academic success; transportation and personal services are the responsibility of the student.

Students seeking disability accommodations for initial placement testing should notify the campus disability coordinator when scheduling the test that accommodation will be needed.

The College does not identify students with disabilities on the admission application. Therefore, it is necessary to self-identify. Contact the disability coordinator at the nearest SJR State campus to schedule an appointment. The disability coordinator will talk to you about your personal experience with disability, past use of accommodations and strategies and technologies used. The disability coordinator will also review any diagnostic reports, IEP’s, teacher observations and/or doctor’s notes and recommendations presented. Every effort will be made to tailor individual accommodations to your specific needs. Additional resources available to help assure student success will also be discussed.

The disability coordinator will ask that you visit often and at least once a semester to review and adjust accommodations if necessary. Faculty will only be notified of your eligibility for accommodations if specifically requested by you, in writing, each semester.

All of the Academic Advising staff look forward to meeting and working with you.