JANUARY 6, 2023
FloArts faculty exhibit opens January 12

Florida School of the Arts presents its Faculty Exhibition, showcasing a variety of media, from paintings and sculptures to digital illustrations. The event opens with a gallery reception Thursday, January 12 at 5:00 p.m.
Featured are works by Sarah Alexander Bjorn (studio art), Daniel Askew (studio art), Walter Lara (photography), Chuck Marsh (studio art), Justin Murphy (new media design/animation), and Emily Schafer (costume design).
According to FloArts Gallery Director Sarah Alexander Bjorn, “The exhibit provides an opportunity for the community to gain insight into the workings of our visual artists in many disciplines, as well as a lively evening of interesting discussions,“ Bjorn said.
The exhibit is free and open to the public and can be viewed 9 a.m. to5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and during FloArts main stage performances through February 9.
Florida School of the Arts is located on the St. Johns River State College Palatka Campus and serves the entire state of Florida. FloArts is part of the academic and administrative structure of SJR State and awards associate degrees in acting, dance performance, musical theater, stage management, theater technology, graphic design/new media and studio art. For more information, call (386) 312-4300 or visit FloArts.
Dawgtown trailer: A hand-drawn animation created by Florida School of the Arts new media design and animation instructor Justin Murphy.
Schafer Rendering: A rendering created by Florida School of the Arts costume design instructor Emily Schafer.
L.S.O.Q. - stoneware: A sculpture created by Florida School of the Arts studio art instructor Dan Askew.
War Party: A comic book digital illustration created by Florida School of the Arts new media design and animation instructor Justin Murphy.
Michelle Sjogren
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Strategic Communications
(904) 276-6814
Susan Kessler
Director of Public Relations and Marketing
(386) 312-4021