Safety and Security
The College strictly prohibits:
- Consumption of alcohol on campus unless served at college sponsored or approved events, as approved by the President, (It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21).
- Use, manufacture or possession of illegal drugs or narcotics on campus or at College functions.
The use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol pose serious risks to one’s health. Orientation packets contain a list of possible side effects associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and certain other drugs. (Lists are also available from college counselors.) Almost all of these effects include the symptoms of dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure, impairment of judgment and mental functions, and loss of control and coordination. If ingested by a pregnant woman or nursing mother, these drugs pose serious risks to the health of fetuses and nursing infants, up to and including death.
SJR State has a licensed mental health counselor on staff who is available to assist with issues related to substance abuse. The SJR State CARE counselor can be contacted at (386) 312-4305.
Drug Abuse Education and Counseling Services are available in the tri-county area:
Alcoholics Anonymous 904-399-8535
Clay County Behavioral Health Center 904-291-5561
First-Coast Narcotics Anonymous 904-723-5683
AL-ANON Putnam and St. Johns 1-800-508-2512
AL-ANON Clay 1-800-344-2666
Putnam - St. Johns Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. 904-209-6200
Riverpoint Behavioral Health 904-724-9202
St. Johns County Department of Health & Human Service 904-209-6000
American Council for Drug Education at:
With the exception of service animals (dog or miniature horse), pet animals are not allowed on campus sidewalks, in campus buildings, in classrooms, on the grounds, or at collegiate sporting events and practices.